Thursday, November 27, 2008

wreckage from the blast

And you hold me down
And you got me living in the past

Come on and pick me up
Somebody clear the wreckage from the blast

(the resolution)

i just cant stop listening to this good song from jack's mannequin

Sunday, November 23, 2008

comin up & SLI = reuni

hari sabtu kemaren,teman SD ku si I dan D dateng kerumah gw sambil membawa diri saja..(pdhl gw ngarep dibawain es krim yg banyak)..lalu tiba2 si K menelvon gw dr malay..dia lg bareng L my lovely ex chairmate..ternyata mereka lg ketemuan di KL....
huuhuhuhu...berasa reunian SD walau cuman beberapa menit...
buat K dan L...cepetan lulus trus balik ke indo!!!!biar kalian yg jadi panitia reuni tahunan selanjutnya!heheehe
thanks for comin,I and D
and for L and K thanks for the SLI..

special for I..thanks for everything...
kangen kalian selaluuu

Saturday, November 15, 2008

feels like hell to me.


im sorry.and i mean it.
i hope i can make it right.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


kemaren utk pertama kalinya dlm idup gw,gw blajar bahasa jepang!
slama ini bahasa jepang yg gw tw cuman dr nama2 menu di sushi tei...
bcos CCF will start 2 months from now..drpd gw bengong2 gak jelas mending gw ikutan les jepang..
sebenernya gw gak tertarik yah kali aja 2 bulan kedepan kalo ke sushi tei lg gw dah bisa mesen si favorit kanimayo tobiko pake bahasa jepang!heheheh
gadis-chan ai sushiiiii...... dulu kan gak suka sm lagu sexyback..trus 2 hari yg lalu gw denger lagu ini yg versi justin feat. metronomy ....waaawww...the song becomes so kewl!!!i loveeeeee it!!
ni gw kasih linknya yaaaaa...abis itu didengerin!hope u like it like i do...

Monday, November 10, 2008

missin them

* tampak samping

tampak depan*

Oh So Adorable...
i heart this shoes!!!!if only i can have 1..
this shoes belong to W and i borrowed it just for takin pics
ukurannya 42 sedangan kaki gw 36...jadinya terlihat sangat kegedean bukan?!
W,coba kaki lo ukurannya 36 pasti ni spatu gw bawa pulang!hahahah..
anw..i miss u friend-whom these shoes belong to
and u-whom took these pics with ur nikon
and u, and u, and u-whom with me that nite....
I MISS U ALL and i cant wait for our next small reunion :D

Saturday, November 8, 2008


beberapa tahun yg lalu...

disuatu percakapan
gw:bunda bsok aku pulang lg ke jkt
bunda:hah?ngapain?kan br beberapa hr yg lalu kesini?
gw:mw nonton episode pertama heroes...

another conversation
gw:aku gak jd ah pulnag ke jatinangor
bunda:gak ada kuliah? bsok final amazing race!!
bunda:jadinya bolos?
gw:iya nda...gpp yah?
bunda:terserah kamu
(nyokap gw emang teramat pengertian soal kegilaan gw sm amazing race)

another one...
bunda:km pulang ke jatinangor lusa aja...kan ada final project runway!
gw:gak bs...ada akbi...huhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuh

tapi kini percakapan itu tdk terjadi lg krn mulai kemaren di kosan gw pasang tv kabel!
hidup pondok dara!!!!hidup!!!!!!!
ada internet,ada tv kabel...ayo pidah aja ke pondok dara ciseke!ahahahahahah....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


even though you forgot my birthday...
but i still remember yours
happy happy happy buzday!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


....Cette nuit, j’ai fait un rêve très curieux où je portais des ailes d’ange dans le dos.

Des ailes blanches comme ma robe, et aussi des chaussures rouges pailletées.

C’est bien étrange mais je crois que j’étais partie en forêt pour cueillir des coquelicots.

J’ai couru, je suis tombée, et le reste je ne m’en souviens plus car je me suis réveillée.

barusan aja nelvon CCF buat nanya kpn term selanjutnya...
sadly,they will open their next term in early january!!!

gak tau deh...apa 2 bln kedepan keinginan gw buat les prancis masih menggebu2 apa enggak...
i eagerly wanna learn
france and i want it NOW.

comment allez vous?

just blogwalking
and i found this blog...
what a pretty pretty pretty blog!!
membuat saya semakin ingin mempelajari bahasa prancis

comment allez vous?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

-me&u almost 11 month being together-

I hate when u r interrupting my sleep time
I hate when u keep telling me what to do
I hate when u r tickling me a lots
I hate when u r pinching my cheeks
When u r too dizzy with everything around u
And the most I hate is when u r not here to do those things over me
I miss u ham
And most of all
I love u
Always have
Always will

-me&u almost 11 month being together-


henry-bernie keeliminasi dari amazing race asia!!!!!
huhuhuhuhuh...knp gak tish-geoff ajaaaaa.....