Sunday, March 20, 2011

Din Tai Fung

udah lama banget nih ya gak ngepost foodies review,sebenernya lagi banyak banget nih stok makanan yang mau di posting!tapi lagi gak mood...maklum, selera makan lagi menurun drastis *BOHONG* yang kenyataannya adalah...saya baru aja naik 3 kilo...3 kilo pemersaaah!!! *elus-elus perut*
enough with the rant, lets kick some taste buds with Din Tai Fung foodiiiieeees

pertama-tama mari kita mulai with their infamous Xia Lao Bao (yang ini isi ayam) isinya 4 pieces harganya 34k. semacam dumpling biasa tapi didalemnya ada soupnya gitu. jadi cara makannya (buat yang belom tau) xia lao bao ditaro di atas sendok, trus bolongin pake sumpit, CROTS! soupnya keluar, langsung bisa diminum..abis itu baru deh dimakan xia lao baonya. enyak enyak, tapi ribet

nah kalo yang ini gw lupa nama kerennya apa, dumpling biasa isinya sayur sama ayam, harganya 28k . isi 4 juga. rasnaya enaaaak, i dont like veggies, but this veggies dumpling tastes great!

kalo yang ini calamari saus tartar for 25k. lumayan enak..garing-garing asik

here comes the best food of that night! Lumpia kulit tahu for 32k! wuiii enaaaak loh!!i dont mind gaining some kilos for this lumpiah!

still, Snow Patrol

Crack the shutters open wide
I want to bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays
Tangle up around your face and body
I could sit here for hours
Finding new ways to be awed each minute
'Cause the daylight seems to want you
Just as much as I want you

Sunday, March 13, 2011


ketoprak for breakfast

i always love a night drive with you..only me, you and iPod. love,love,love.

Sunday Brunch with the whole family.

had lunch with bestfriends and boyfriend. i couldnt ask for more

new office :D


udah nonton beritanya berulang-ulang..dari CNN ampe di tvOne..tetep serem liat rekamannya ya Allah :"(
may all the victims could survive through this massive tsunami attacks
God bless us all

Sunday, March 6, 2011

when everything seems on right track

what i love about saturday is that i could meet my favorite people, my closest circle..laughing and goofing around. no barrier..just me and them. surrounded by good foods, great music. makes me feel that life is really worth and fun to live for. makes me realize that i am one of those lucky person. i couldnt thank you enough, God. thank you..thank you :)

ps: im no longer unemployed :D