Sunday, November 27, 2011

this photo was taken on September..when i enjoyed after-office-hours with boyfie at Bakoel Koffiee...
as a long distance couple we dont do this the fact that he is now in Jakarta for 3 days really get me exciteeeeeeed!
i know his schedule is tight, since he's here for meeting and meeting....and meeting.
hoping that we still have some hours to meet..and some moment to have an after-office-hours date. a decent one :)))

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Convivium - Panglima Polim

Convivium - an italian home kitchen.
tempatnya mungil..dipinggir jalanan panglima polim...dalemnya gak begitu spacious...with dim light and nice wood chair...vewwwwyyyyy cozy. me loves this place! pleus abang parkirnya manggil gw 'non' iyak ampuuun so polite you sir!

dateng berdua pacar terus dikasih compliment ini ..semacam cheese stick bread gitu..enyaaak...
tapi...kok ini doank sih complimentnya chef?? heu....nothing beats Pepenero kalo soal compliment ya bok... tapi cheese stick breadnya enak sih..berhubung kita lafar, maka tandas tak bersisa deh tuh

gw mesen Fungi Pizza for 70k. isinya cuman tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese. SIMPLY DELLISH. DELLISH. DELL-ISH. delicioso, chef! *ngetik ini dengan muka mupeng*

pacar memesan Aglio Olio for 40k. penampilan kurang okeh ya...tapi rasanya enak kok!

and for the drinks... me opted ice lychee tea for 25k and ice tea for 18k. boyf opted guava juice for 25k. jus jambunya yaaa....macem sehat banget gitu gak dikasih gula samsek!

pas makan pizzanya baru setengah, gw bilang...masih laper nih kayaknya! dan kepikiran buat mesen dessert..ternyata 3 slices pizza bikin kenyang buanget...but still curious bout their red velvet cake *kormod*
soooooo i'll be back foh sho!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Horeeeh!!!!!! The Script beybeh! akheirnya...di penghujung taun ini kedatangan arteis favoritku lagi! biar dikata cuman tau lagunya cuman dikit...but still...beyond excited! ihihihi...mereka nyanyiin sekitar 13 lagu, dan saya mau review lagu yang saya apal liriknya aja yah...
1. You Wont Feel A Thing (loncat2 kegirangan pas mereka bawain lagu super favoritku ini sbg lagu pembuka...loncat2 pengen nangis gitu deh!)
2. We Cry (ini sih gw gak apal...gak doyan *terus knp di review dis?* )
3. The Man Who Cant Be Moved (aduh bokk rasanya dada ini mau meledak pas denger intronya meeeen...lagu galau jaman kuliah dulu! hoahahahahha)
4. Dead Man Walking
5. Nothing
6. If You ever Come Back
7. Break even
8. Science and Faith
9. For The First Time (encore)

terus, lagu curhat setan 'long gone and moved on' gak dibawain aja dolooooooo...mau nangis di pojokan panggung tapi kan yang penting yang punya blog ini udah long gone and definitely move on yaaaaaaaaaaaa.... *lihat gambar di bawah*

hehehe...after all..this performance from The Script totally worth the crap! what crap? lemme spill out the crap here!

Crap numbeh 1... bok, masuk gatenya gak jelas gitu...gak ada queue linesnya!! masya Allah ya...itu ngantri gak beraturan udah kayak orang ngantri busway di harmoni! terus kan di dalem itu rame banget karena banyak orang ngantri di booth - booth kecil yang ada buat daftar online biar dapet beer gretong..jadilah kita nunggu di outdoor which is good krn dihibur sama homeband2 yang lumayan okeh. kata MCnya gate Ballroomnya baru dibuka jam 7 malem yang seharusnya dibuka jam 6 malem..ngaret bok..yowiiisss...jam setengah tujuh kita baru masuk ke dalem laagi...and you know what? ternyata gate balloomnya udah dibuka DARITADI. dasar MC blangsaaaaak......gara2 elo nih gw gak jadi front rower!

Crap numbeh 2...opening actnya ada 3! hesemelekete..............gak tau apa udah ngebet bgt nongtong the script! opening act pertama...cewek gitu suara nya okeh bgt...nyanyi cuman 2 lagu...bagus ya!
yang namanya mike's something..awalnya sih seneng ya...bawain 1979, Sweet Dispo, Dakota....tapi kok dia nyanyi terus sih? gak berenti2? walopun lagunya enak2 tetep ajeee yeee senep! buruan napah! but this band nothing compares to the annoying one that happened to be opening act number 3
Gugun and the blues yang lagi ngehip bak pahlawan di festival2 blues and jazz. and i dont do blues and jazz. kebayang kan BT nya gw kayak apaan?
i dont fukkin care yaaaa elo pernah manggung di london sanah...I REALLY DONT! just cut your crap and turun panggung plis! finish! kelar! bawain lagunya banyak bgt sih! situ kan bukan main act!

tapi kan ya...gak okeh juga sih nyalahin band2 diatas..lah wong pasti mereka orang suruhan panitia dan EO yang kacrut abwes..which lead us to the most most most crappiest shittiest of the night...panitia emang suka oon ya! udah pada ngomel2 nih gara2 dikasih opening act yang gak kelar-kelar trus MCnya ngomong...kita break 30 menit dulu yaaaa *WHAT THE FAAAAAK* bisa keluar kok kita nyediain homeband di area outdoor plus gimmick2 menarik dari guiness *sponsor tunggal*... mau gimmick kek..gin and vodka kek...I DONT GIVE A DAMN!! YOU IDIOT!
muka udah senep..hati udah ancur berkeping2...ngapa sih band favorit gw mesti tampil di gig yang kayak gini???

wokelah The Script..i hope i can see you again on another gig...a much better one! :D

Saturday, November 12, 2011

on daughter mother thingy...

me: ya ampoooon udah jam sebelas! belom juga ngapalin lagu2nya! *grasa grusu buka yutup*
bunda: ngapalin apaan sih?
me: ini lagu2nya...kan tar malem mau nonton konsernya!
bunda: ya Allah...apalin tuh juz amma!

hehehehe..... THE SCRIPT BEYBEH! TONIGHT!!!!
singing cos you're long goooone and moved on...and you're long gone and moooove on...ooooo

last sunday

that felt like saturday...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

it's been a year since i saw you on stage, sir

You take the skyway, high above the busy little one-way
In my stupid hat and gloves, at night I lie awake
Wonderin' if I'll sleep
Wonderin' if we'll meet out in the street

But you take the skyway
It don't move at all like a subway
It's got bums when it's cold like any other place
It's warm up inside
Sittin' down and waitin' for a ride
Beneath the skyway

Oh, then one day, I saw you walkin' down that little one-way
Where, the place I'd catch my ride most everyday
There wasn't a damn thing I could do or say
Up in the skyway

Skyway (sky away)

( Skyway by Chris Carrabba. a cover version of The Replacements)