cute resto with swiss market love! makan di Marche dikasih kartu yang nantinya di stempel di masing-masing stall waktu kita mesen... keep your card safely cos they'll cost you 1mio if you lost it. eh tapi kalo tagihannya 1,5juta mending di ilangin aja gak sih kartunya? ehehehehehehe
Le boyf opted chicken BBQ brisket for 39k and small portion of Salad 30k. ayamnya ENAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. and for the salad...30rebu cuman semangkok yang gedenya lebih kecil dari mangkok kobokan? you better be crisp, veggie!
Le me opted Rosti with sausage for 79k and homemade lemonade for 26k. Rosti itu semacem kentang diparut terus dicampur sama puree kentang terus digoreng (penjelasan awam tentang rosti dari seorang gadis), anyways it tasted good! and for the homemade lemonade taste so weird...katanya lemonade tapi kok rasanya kek jus melon?