Saturday, March 31, 2012

Marche Plaza Senayan

cute resto with swiss market love! makan di Marche dikasih kartu yang nantinya di stempel di masing-masing stall waktu kita mesen... keep your card safely cos they'll cost you 1mio if you lost it. eh tapi kalo tagihannya 1,5juta mending di ilangin aja gak sih kartunya? ehehehehehehe

Le boyf opted chicken BBQ brisket for 39k and small portion of Salad 30k. ayamnya ENAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. and for the salad...30rebu cuman semangkok yang gedenya lebih kecil dari mangkok kobokan? you better be crisp, veggie!

Le me opted Rosti with sausage for 79k and homemade lemonade for 26k. Rosti itu semacem kentang diparut terus dicampur sama puree kentang terus digoreng (penjelasan awam tentang rosti dari seorang gadis), anyways it tasted good! and for the homemade lemonade taste so weird...katanya lemonade tapi kok rasanya kek jus melon?

Monday, March 26, 2012

looking at your old photos never been easy, there's always some gloomy feeling afterwards.
the feeling of wanting it back, bring it to the present life.
some closest people who became strangers by now..
so sad
hoping that time will bring us close again..

Until then, keep calm and listen to Gotye - Somebody that i used to know

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Highlight of my last trip

what's to love bout Phuket?
  • THE FOOOOOOD!! holy majoly....beda banget deh ya masakan thailand asli sama yang ada di jakarta...gilaaak....seminggu disono bisa naik 5 kilo gw rasa...nom nom nom!
  • thai massage... the best kind of massage i ever had! only 250 Baht... kata temen gw ada thai massage di daerah gading tapi 200 ribu...cih!
  • Fantasea... gonna talk bout this later

and Phi-Phi?

  • Italian Gellato for 90 Baht. maknyosssss
  • ummm
  • hmmm...

Phi-Phi island is sooooooooooooooooo packed!!


me: aku dapet ide buat nama anak cewek kita nanti donk! *iyak kawin aja belom udah kepikiran nama anak*
him: kapan dapet idenya?
me: kemaren pas naik ojek ke kantor
him: apa namanya?
me: Kemala Senja
him: apaan sih, aneh banget
me: ..................................

yaudahlah, buat namain Tumblr aja

Saturday, March 17, 2012

just an old song that i keep repeat this morning

Come here, please hold my hand for now
Help me, I'm scared please show me how to fight this,
God has a master plan
And I guess
I am in his demand
Please save me this time I cannot run
And I'll see you when this is done
And now I have come to realize
That you are the one who's left behind

Please stay until I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me I'm right here

I see, a light it feels good
And I'll come back soon just like you would
It's useless, my name has made the list
And I wish, I gave you one last kiss

Please stay until I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me I'm right here
Waiting and take
My one last breath, and don't forget
That I will be right here

Monday, March 12, 2012


am a big fan of The Adams, and the fact that they have a lil time to rock on Upper Room last Saturday nite reallllllly got me EX-CI-TED!
sejam loncat-loncatan (gak encok! thanks to my new routine...negak anlene tiap pagi!) terus nyanyi-nyanyi...i cant believe that i still remember all the lines...wohooooo!!

jaman masih mahasiswi tingkat 2 :D

kaos gw yang indyang kemana yaaaaaaaah...sudah tertumpuk oleh kemeja-kemeja kerja tampaknya :(

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fri to Sun

it was a weekend that i loooove.

dimulai dari Jumat malem..arisan with my high school lovelies... nom! sekalian ngasih bahan seragam :))

sabtu siang saatnya maksi dengan temen-temen deket kampus...maksi di rumah epoy abis itu lanjut nonton video holiday kami daaaan....ngasih bahan lagi :))

malemnya malming ke PS, had our dinner at Marche...enyak enyak :))

hari minggu, ke kondangan temen SMA-nya patjar, abis itu ke Sency nemenin patjar ngumpul pleus karokean sama temen2 kampusnya dulu...according to his playlist, i do believe that he was made for me, to be my hubby ;p