Thursday, December 31, 2009

sushi and love potion #23

Holaaaaaaa...waah, dah tanggal 31 inih..but still no plan for new year's eve!kayaknya bakal dirumah aja deh..ada tawaran BBQ-an yang sangat menggoda but still..i prefer spend this night at home.anyhoooo..kemaren ke PIM..ngababil sama temen2 kampus!having (again and again) sushi tei for dinner..baru kali ini gw gak semangat ke sushi tei..kinda boreeeeeeed i guess..and you can check out my review about sushi tei here,i ordered just the same!hoho the lovely pictures of my lovely friends

this plate on sushi tei..very jadul

dilanjutkan dengan mencari desert (or dessert yah yang bener buat artian pencuci mulut?) yang enak..atas rekomendasi macun we stumbled at patungan sama macun beli minuman judulnya Love Potion #23 seharga rp.55.000 dah sama tax..porsinya emang gede sih..tapi rasanya biasaaaaaa sekali...huhu..temen2 gw yang lain pada beli cake all cake is nyobain yang oreo sm suisse choc and they tasted ordinary as well..untungnya cake2 itu lagi diskon 30% (mon-fri after 8pm)

sebelum berpisah foto duluuuu...thank you for made my day're the best!*kiss kiss*
and this is what i wore yesterday..nothing fancy,just a boring one!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sarang kepiting

Dari namanya aja udah menggugah selera yah..Sarang Kepiting,sebuah resto ahli kepiting yang udah terkenal..letaknya di sebrang mangga dua square..setiap kesini selalu penuh..parkirnya pasti jauuuh,tapi untungnya selalu dapet tempat duduk!

Gw mesen seporsi (isinya 1 kepiting) saos padang rp.77.000 ..enaaaak,tapi karena gw lagi males ngubek2 kepitingnya jadi gw cuman makan setengahnya doank..hehe..trus gw makan cumi goreng tepung yang maknyos banget (cumi goreng terenak yang pernah gw makan) sama kerang rebus dan mantau goreng serta otak2 as appetizer.mantaunya mantap! sempet nyobain kepiting saos tiram nyokap gw,and i prefer hers than mine! oiya,walaupun resto ini di lokasi pecinan, tapi halal kok..yang punya cina mualaf..jadi gak pake arak should come here!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

belle of boulevard

so this morning i turned on TV and when i switched channel to [V] there was dashboard confessional with their latest single from their very new album!!!!(unlucky me,i just watched half of it, i should switch channel earlier!)
i am a big BIG fan of them..if you notice, screaming infidelities--the name of this blog is title from their song back in 2003..but i kinda disappointed because this album is like their "dusk and summer" so not dashboard at all..but chris' voice makes me always recognize every new song from them whenever i heard it from radio or TV..after "dusk and summer", they had "shades of poison tree" which had the old style of dashboard and i love every single song of it..but since i always love them no matter what, this new album "alter the ending" will be my new obsession. my long time obsession i guess.
so this is the new song from them...nice lyrics as always!

belle of boulevard

Down in a local bar
Out on the boulevard
The sound of an old guitar
Is saving you from sinking
It's a long way down
It's a long way

Back like you never broke
You tell a dirty joke
He touches your leg and thinks he's getting close
For now you let him just this once
Just for now
And just like that - it's over

Don't turn away
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Don't be afraid
Keep it all inside, all inside
When you fall apart
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Life is always hard for the belle of the boulevard

In all your silver rings
And all your silken things
That song you softly sing - is keeping you from breaking
It's a long way down
It's a long way
Back here you never loved
You've shaked the shivers off
You take a drink to get your courage up
Can you believe it
Just this once
Just for now
And just like that
It's over


Please hold on - it's alright
Please hold on - it's alright
Please hold on

Down in a local bar
Out on the boulevard
The sound of an old guitar
Is saving you

i was literally gaga-ing when i saw the title of this song...belle?seriously? *sigh*

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fallin in love at 1st time when i saw this necklace at Kemang Fest and fallin in love even more when i knew it just cost me rp 10.000

Thursday, December 24, 2009

sang pemimpi

Nonton di Plaza Indo yang jam 2.10 dan jam segitu gw masih didepan hotel sahid sudirman..eeerrrrrrrrr...macet dari casablanca dan padat merayap di sudirman..and we successfully 45mins late!padahal ada adegan rhoma irama yang lucu banget gitu yaaaa..baiklah,nonton DVDnya saja...
anyways,talking about the review..sang pemimpi was goooood..sedih?pasti!ada beberapa scene yang bikin gw nangis seperti adegan ikal nyusulin bapaknya dan minta maaf, adegan ibu-bapak ikal baca surat beasiswa, sama adegan bapaknya ikal gak jadi naik pangkat...kalo pas dibukunya sih gw paling nangis pas adegan jimbron ngasih tabungannya ke arai&ikal..tapi pas di film kok kayak biasa aja gitu adegannya..terus adegan arai ketemu ikal di tempat beasiswa juga menurut gw gak ada nampol2nya...yeaaah whatever,this movie is still good! :D

watchin this movie with etha,dju2,ikhwan..ditraktir ikhwan!makasih papiiiiiii...abis nonton di PI nyebrang ke GI buat makan di sumpit (i'll review later) terus nyebrang lagi ke PI karena mobil etha parkir di PI..such a long long journey yaaa..but it was super fun!

happy watching!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Avatar 3D

this biggest movie with budget around $500 million dollar just got my 4 thumbs for the effect!! i dont like this kind of story..but the effect made me awake and from beginning til the end of movie.. planet pandora SANGAT CANTIK!apalagi di malam hari..everything is glow in the dark..sungainyaaa...Subhanallah..baguuuus banget!
ini film 3D ketiga yang pernah gw tonton,an
d this 3D absolutely the best..even though i was much more enjoying cloudy meatball..but the digital effect of avatar is superb!you should see this movie in 3D.end of discussion.

nonton di Plaza Indonesia sama ilham tadinya mau ramean sama etha,dju2,prima..tapi rencana tinggal rencana,dasar kalian orang2 rempong!ahahahha....anyways,studionya dingin bangeeeetttt...bbbrrrrrrr...thank God i bought pasmina :D

Jakarta so gloomy today, rain keep falling from morning till evening. So i put all black into my outfit because i feel gloomy too..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

kemang festival, day 1

Spent my saturday at Kemang Fest with ilham and fahri..alot of food, so little time :|

Saturday, December 19, 2009


she said to me that she is an elegant woman (yes,she said to me directly!)

you are elegant woman………in alay world

she types with wAvE sTyLe ThAT rEaLLy iRRiTaTeS mY EyEs..(and i’m sure that irritates your eyes too now)…elegant?not in zillion years!

God bless her!and her so-called-elegant-way.EYMEN.

Friday, December 18, 2009

sushi alley-bumi joglo

Kemarin sempet nginep di bandung 2 malem gara2 mesti ngurus ijazah dan dateng ke job expo UNPAD..i love being here!meet my collegues and my former roomates..nyari makan malem..just like the old days!
malem pertama (terdengar gak bgt yah) di bandung, diajakin sama gita k tempat sushi baru namanya Sushi Alley..tempatnya persis diseberang gedung (or kantor?) pos bandung di jalan riau..tempatnya asik....bikin betah ngobrol lama2...harganya sama kayak sushi boon...murah sekali dan enak!

i ordered kani roll for rp.10.000 and spicy salmon roll for ocha refill!but delicious!gw sempet nyobain chicken katsu curry-nya temen gw..enak juga!this place very recommended.

malem kedua, sehabis jobfair sama temen2 kampus langsung cabut ke dago pakar..makan di bumi joglo..nice place too..just like old javanese likeeeey!

gw mesen nasi timbel joglo rp.17.500..mantap gan!sama es teh lupa berapa..temen gw mesen nasi liwet ikan asin rp.30.000 untuk berdua (gak ada yang personal portionnya) sama tempe mendoan rp.14.000....pas kita dateng lagi sepiiii..jdinya bebas ngobrol ketawa keras2 berasa dirumah sendiri

happy eating!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

my bestfriend's wedding

Incredibly happy for my bestfriend..Priskilla Indriyani who happened to be married to her 6-years-boyfriend Reinard..after 4 years of LDR, they still could make it through!i am so happy for you my dear dearest girl..and congratulation for your new yaris as present from your hubby!ayo kita jalan2 inceeeeeee!!!!hehe...
Pemberkatannya diadain di gereja apa yah..lupa deh gw namanya..somewhere in Gading..dan resepsinya sendiri diadain sorenya di Putri Duyung Ancol..this beachy sandy pinky wedding just made my day =))))

here comes the bride and groom

and the pretty bridesmaids with the men

posing with our gift!hope you like it newlyweds!

On the other hand, i have award from mbak ninneta !my 3rd award i guess..thank you so muchooo mbak cantik! =))

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

500 days of summer

*kalo belom nonton,jangan baca..karena disini banyak spoiler-annya

"This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this
is not a love story."

akhirnya gw bisa nonton film ini juga setelah kira-kira setengah tahun nungguin. tapi yang bikin miris,penantian terlama gw akan sebuah film itu harus berakhir di DVD bajakan. setelah 2 kali nonton DVDnya, filmnya baru di puter di Jiffest tahun ini!CRAP..i wish i was more patient.. daaaaan ternyata emang filmnya really worth my patience! a very good movie, very good acting, very good music, very cute actress!!me loveeee you zooey!
tagline cerita diatas sudah menggamba
rkan seluruh isi ceritanya, jadi prepare for the worst ending. tapi gw gak nyangka kalo endingnya bakal begitu, dan gw gak suka sama endingnya karena terlalu......real. pas nonton kedua kalinya gw baru nyadar....endingnya keren banget!rasanya pengen gw arak keliling kampung tuh sutradaranya.

and i want to share my favorite scenes...

  • Adegan di lift!waktu si Tom nyadar kalo Summer just got his heart because of the smith thingy..dia cuman bisa ngomong...Holy Shit dengan tatapan nanar..i cant stop smiling!
  • Waktu mereka main di taman terus neriakin P word..this is beyond funny!!2 kali nonton,2 kali ngakak gak ketulungan
  • IKEA scene...lucu!
  • Tom's break down moment..dan dia teriak "we are couple God damn it!" nice tom!
  • split screen reality vs expectation..miris yeeee
  • Sid-Nancy conversation
  • and last..waktu si Autumn ngenalin diri..cheesy but somehow touchy. kenapa touchy?karena dunia terus berputar buat Tom.mati satu,tumbuh 1 lagi.
waktu abis nonton film ini gw berasa ditampar..kok ceritanya gw banget ngerasa sifat gw sama banget sama Summer got me thinking that i should stop being a heartless,insensitive person. especially to you, the one that i adore. the one that i watched this movie with. my own version of Tom! ahahahhaaha =PP

Monday, December 7, 2009

i am addictive! ;)

Extremely energetic.
Not one to mess with.
Excellent kisser.
Good personalities.
Loves relationships.​​​​

Sunday, December 6, 2009

new moon crasher!

Hari selasa kemaren akhirnya gw nonton new moon!setelah ngiler2 tiap nonton E! karena pasti ada berita sangat expecting so much with this movie..tapi yah apa mau nonton sama orang2 yang salah.. gw nonton ber lima sama etha,dju2,kimenk,mirzal..terus si mirzal duduk di kanan gw dan kimenk dikiri gw..and the disaster begins..
si mirzal..beh!nyebeliiin bgt..setiap ada adegan romantis dikit langsung ber-preeettt..ber-apaan sih geli banget..ber-najiiiisssssss...emang sih banyak adegan yang gak banget..tapi ada juga kok adegan yang touchy dimana gw ber-aaawwwwwwwww..manis banget...langsung disambut sama dia dengan celaan.belom lagi dengerin dia komentar tentang penonton2 yang lain.CAKEP.
samping kiri kimenk...orang paling happening di jagat twitteran tapi dia gak nonton twilight..kaget?gw juga. Sepanjang film dia sering nanya..dis,kok gini?,itu siapa?..kok gw gak ngerti yah? dan sebagai-bagainya.CANTIK.
walaupun dongkol..tapi tetep kocak juga kalo dipikir-pikir (1000 kali). new moon berasa shanghai moon karena sepanjang film gw banyakan ketawanya...ahahhahahahahahaha *tertawa miris*

ini dia muka2 new moon crasher gw
