Friday, May 25, 2012

happy birthday to self!

kayaknya baru kemaren posting ini, eh sekarang udah ulang taun lagi! :D
turning 25 years old on 25th of May!

 tengah malem ditelfon dan dikasih foo ini sama patjar... horeee!

siang-siang lagi riweuh dikantor eh dapet kiriman ini!!! me looooooove the purple roses!! dan vas kacanya bikin makin cantik...walopun bawa pulang kerumahnya rebek sih...eke terpaksa naik taksi dari kantor! ohohoho...but hap happpy!

and received so many wishes via all socmed that i have, but this one from my totally the cutest!
please bold "dengan selera musik yang kompak..." hahhahaha! you know me so well, bumil!

i wish that my wedding day will be smooth and great.... aaaand my marriage is even greater. Amin :))

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