Sunday, March 14, 2010


Back on my college days, i have circle friends called 'Genk makan' consist of me, Resti, Prima,Babas, Adit..every night we, for over years always got dinner together around jatinangor ..and last Friday Babas happened to be here at Jakarta..and we made some quick meet night...looking around pasific place to have some dinner..just like the old days! :) sayangnya gak ada Adit jadi malem itu adit digantiin sama Anto (also my colleges) ...
jam 8-an baru berangkat dari puri casablanca ke pasific place..masih aja yaa maceet...nyampe sana udah jam setengah 9 malem and then rushing to Pancious but we are in number 5 of their waiting list...WTH!its almost 9 already!yaudin..akhirnya ke resto pancake lainnya..we went to what we ordered (yang gw foto cuman yang duduknya deket gw aja) terus ditraktir sama prima (makasih loh bos!) jadi gak inget harganya....hehe

Pesenanannya si Prima.. New York...consist of dry dory fillet with mashed potatoes and french fries...dory-nya enaaaaaaaaaaak

Yang ini pesenan gw..choco pancakes (2 stakes)...pancakesnya enak..fluffy and sweet..tapi porsinya kecil ya boookkk....seinget gw pancakes disini kisaran harganya Rp.35.000 keatas...sama sih kayak Pancious..tapi kan porsi di pancious gedeeee...bisa buat berdua..kalo disini piringnya doank yang gede..hoho..tapi pancakesnya enakkan di Pan-O

Yang ini pesanannya Resti..Blueberry Pancakes..pake cheese..tooo cheesy kalo menurut gw..jadi rasa blueberrynya gak begitu terasa...
dan inilah kami pada malam itu


genk makan!! me-prima-resti-babas

1 comment:

Romantic bed and breakfasts said...

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