mari kita mulai dengan yang gratis-gratis. compliment bread from Pepenero. uhuy! selain dapet sekeranjang roti, dapet sepiring tomato bruchetta juga..asoy!
yang ini masih dari Pepenero, lupa nama kerennya apaan... to make it quick just named it Penne with salmon. creamy, lots of salmon terus gw ngasih cabenya kebanyakan...teramat pedas jadinyaaaaa losing my appetite right away...gak abis setengahnya juga. ihik. oiya, lupa harganya..sekitar 50-60k deh kalo gak salah
mushroom soup from Cosi-FX for 22k. soupnya very thick as webster dictionary, hehe...makan setengahnya juga kenyang! lumayan enak sih rasanya
the infamous stik joni pasar baru! sirloin lokal for only 30k! dagingnya empuk...ya soal rasa sama deh kayak abuba, kalo sama holycow gak tau deh, belom pernah nyobain holycow nih!!
and the last...kopitiam oey! boyfie's favorite but not my favorite! abisnya aku bingung kalo kesini makan apeu...kan yang juara banget itu nasgor kambingnya...i dont like kambing so much! terus saya mesen roti cane kari ayam for 28k. penasaran kari ayam kayak gimana sik..ternyata persis opor. roti canenya sih enyak
makan disini berdua bareng pacar, seminggu sebelom doi dikirim ke amurang *brb nangis dulu seliter-dua liter*ANYWAAAAYSSSSS...namanya aja Mr. Pancake..apakah pancakenya patut dibanggakan?? yuk mareee direview..oiya sebenernya tertarik makan disini karena didepan restonya ditulis disc 30% kalo pake CC mandiri, horeee!...not. pas udah duduk manis dikasih menu baru dikasih tau disc. 30% cuman berlaku buat food only dan minimum pembelian 200rebu baru bisa diskon!
liat-liat menu kayaknya lebih asik dan romantis kalo makan sepiring berdua yah. apalagi kan mau pisah-pisahan *brb lap airmata* yasudah akhirnya pesen beef ribs jumbo for 170k. jeng-jeng...jumbo it is! maknyoslah....dagingnya empyuk, veggie yg jd side dishnya lembyut, bumbunya meresap ampe ke was worth every penny (my boyfriend's penny lebih tepatnya. muahahahaha)
sebenernya sih udah kenyang...tapi kan tadi baru ngabisin 170 rebu! belom bisa dikasih diskon doooonk...lagian ini kan restoran namanya Mr. Pancake, gak sah dan halal rasanya kalo gak nyobain menu andalan here it is...double mix of tiramisu for 36,5k! gw dah bilang gak pake whipped cream tapinya tetep dikasih whipped cream terus pas liat penampilannya kok agak gak meyakinkan yah, not so pretty...tidak seperti di resto lainnya, well..kali aja enak rasanya ya...kali aja....dan ternyata biasa sahajaaaa...nothing special! pancakenya gak fluffy ah..aku tak doyan
meet the newlyweds! desty aka cece and luthfi aka gober. iiiih...ya ampuuun akhirnya mereka ini nikah loh!!setelah pacaran dari awal kuliah! 2-2nya deket sama gw, so i pretty much know their love story detail...the laughs, the ups, the big fights! two made it to the marriage life!!! :"") btw, suka banget banget sama kondenya cece yang kayak queen amidala -nya star wars...BEAUTIFUL!
the wedding is so GORGEOUS... Cantik seperti pengantennya! the decor was sooooooo pretty, i love it to the bones! and the food was splendid! yumm...
and she was the first of the genk who finally tied the knot! uhuuuy! tebak donk piala bergilir di genk gw apa? yaah semacam kitab kamasutra gitu deh! hihihi...gak jaman meeeen ngasih piala-pialaan! :P
administrasi niaga UNPAD 2005 :)
terus...kurang lebih 5 taun sobatan sama mereka, gw gak tau kalo 2 bocah ini suka bener sama sour sally ampe ada boothnya di kawinan mereka! double horeeee!
keesokan harinya dikala kumpul keluarga... me: aku juga tar mau ada boothnya sour sally dikawinan aku aunty: mba podeng aja cukup deh
sekali lagi, cece sama gober...selamat menempuh hidup baru yah...kiurangin ego masing-masing biar gak berantem2 teruuus...hihi...i love you both! :*
as i write in this post, my life's been so good. everything's perfect. i enjoy my job more than i ever thought before, so weekdays dont torture me at all. and to make it even better, on weekend i have my Erlangga to spend the weekend with and with my bestfriends on the other side. i feel blessed. but, did life tell you that there's no such a thing as perfect? reality bites, and bites me. last Tuesday Erlangga told me that he has to go to Amurang (2 hours away from Manado) for 3 months and get 7 days off to go back to Jakarta and back again to Amurang for we both dont know for how long. it more weekend together, no more night drive moments that i adore the most, no more songs to be sing out loudly in your car.
so now, im kissing you goodbye. when you get back to this city..we're gonna falling in love again for the second time and i hope, getting stronger.
im gonna miss you, the other feet
until then, please hang on my engineer. i love you so freaking much.