Sunday, July 26, 2009

back for good

sedih deh..hari ini gw pindahan dari kosan ke jakarta lagi..for good.
aaaaaaaahhh...almost 4 years i've been there!!!the best 4 years in my life...those golden years...aahh..we all grow up so fast..time flies,and my graduation day still looks so faarrr...sigh.
anyways,minggu kemaren gw sempet ketemuan sm temen2 SMA gw..(barusan sma gw masuk polling sma paling okeh di livingsocial FB..yeah..long live sma 68 jkt!)
kita muter2 sekitar jkt...and cant stop we go...

1st destination..pancious house

then go to codefin for a cup of sour sally

still blabbing around at little baghdad

and having dinner at sushi-ya

happy happy happy!


riosisemut said...

Back for good, xixixi... lagu jadul punya Take That ya dis...? hehehe...

crazy lil outspoken girl said...

iya yah??lupa gw..take that kan jaman gw sd tuh..hahha...